Youth Category
Youth in the following age group (age as at 24 July 2020) can enter this category.
Age 12- 17
Attention to oversea participants: As we understand that TikTok may not be accessible in some countries outside of Singapore, we will invite our overseas youth athletes to submit the challenge demonstrated in the POL-ITE category (Burpee Push-Up with Jump Kick) and submit their entries via Instagram.

The Challenge
Video Demo
Steps To Follow
- Register to participate in the Kindred Spirit Series Virtual Challenge 2020
- Film yourself carrying out a full 1 minute TikTok Dance Routine, using any of the trending dance moves and music currently found on TIkTok.
NOTE: Visit the page: for sample TikTok Dance moves and tutorials carried out by local dance personalities which you would incorporate into your routine! Take note of the cool effects used too!
- Upload the video to TikTok, add the appropriate filters or effects, add the Hashtag #KssVc2020 #kindredspirits #clubzoom #clubzoomSG, tag @urbanstepsacademy and submit your entry in the Video Link Submission Form below.
Judging Criteria
Based on Execution of technique, musicality, engagement level and production quality.
Video Link Submission Form
After you have uploaded your video to TikTok social media platform, complete this Video Link Form Submission.