
Club ZOOM would like to extend our invitation to members/associates of Singapore Athletics (SA), local and international Sport Associations, Organizations, Clubs, Institution, Schools and unattached athletes to the 9th Kindred Spirit Series Track & Field 2022.  The event will be held on 25-26 (Fri-Sat) November 2022 at Home of Athletics, Singapore.

The meet is sanctioned by Singapore Athletics and electronic timing will be used.

The closing date is 16 Oct 2022.

Kindred Spirit Miler

Partake of the allure of Roger Bannister’s 4-minute mile and create your own experience of racing this special distance. Be a Kindred Spirit Miler! Open to all aged 10 years and above. Date: Friday, 25 November, 2022. Venue: Home of Athletics.

#clubzoomsg  #KindredSpiritMiler  #ChallengeYourself  #PushingThroughAdversity


Post Event

Event Details


Dates: 25-26 Nov 2022 (Fri-Sat)
Venue: Home of Athletics (Kallang Practice Track), 52 Stadium Road. Singapore 397724
Registration Opens: Saturday 27 August 2022
Registration Closes: Sunday 16 October 2022, 2359hrs
Entering Singapore:


Singaporeans and foreigners can take part in this competition. Clubs, local & international schools and public (unattached/individual representations) are allowed to participate.

Entry Fee

Public: $15 per event entry ; $30 per team relay
Club ZOOM Member: $12 per event entry ; $20 per team relay

Payment QR Code

List of Events & Categories

Events marked with a X will be contested. Please note the changes made to the age categories on 8 Sep 2022 (in red).

Electronic Timing using the photo finish

Competition Schedule
Start List

Download the Start List:

Kindly email to by Monday, 14 Nov before 3pm for errors related to the start list.

Venue Information

Kindred Spirit Series Track & Field Meeting will be held at Home of Athletics (Kallang Practice Track).

Home of Athletics (Kallang Practice Track)
52 Stadium Rd, Singapore 397724

How to get there
Bus – 11 alight at Kallang Squash Centre
Bus – 10, 14, 14A, 16, 16M, 70, 70A, 70M, 196 alight at National Stadium
Bus – 10, 11, 12, 14, 14M, 16, 16M, 31, 32, 33, 158, 158A, 196 alight at Mountbatten Road Opp. S.A. Deaf
Train – Circle Line Stadium MRT Exit B
Car –  GPS

Nearest Hospital to Home of Athletics
Tan Tock Seng Hospital – 11 Jln Tan Tock Seng, Singapore 308433

Cancellation / Postponement

Club ZOOM reserves the right to cancel an event should there be insufficient entries received at the closing date.  We will contact the participants and provide the option to select the next available event or receive a full refund.

There will be no refund of entry fees for any withdrawal/ no-show after the closing date.

No late / erroneous entries will be accepted once the start list has been published.

 Club ZOOM shall, at their discretion, decide to cancel the event if the conditions are unfit for competition, or for any other valid reasons.

 In the event of inclement weather, the event will be cancelled if the weather remains unfit for activity for an extended period of time and there will be no refund of entry fees.

 If inclement weather is resolved, the event will be continued based on the schedule and the event affected during the weather alert will be cancelled.


Club ZOOM reserves the rights to make final decision on all matters pertaining to the event.

Stadium Layout

Organising Chart


How to Register

Register via the Registration Portal before the closing date (16 Oct 2022, 2359hrs)

For bulk registration (submission of more than 10 entries), download the entry form template (xls format) and submit via the Registration Portal

You will receive a copy of your registration submission (please check your spam folder) and an acknowlegment of your registration within 3 working days. Email us at czkindredreg@gmail.comif you did not receive any acknowledgement email.

Incomplete registration will not be accepted if we did not receive any payment and screenshot of the payment advice.

    Payment Information

    We accept the following forms of payment.

    1. PayNow to Club ZOOM UEN: T11SS0115C
    2. Bank transfer to Club ZOOM DBS Current Account: 018-902752-0
    3. Credit Card (International teams who are unable to do bank transfer from oversea, we will issue you a payment link)

    Our Payment QR Code:


    Number BIB Collection

    Date: 24 & 25 Nov 2022 (Thu & Fri)
    Venue: Home of Athletics
    Time: 4pm to 8pm

    Technical Meeting

    Date: Thurs, 24 Nov 2022
    Venue: TBC
    Time: 5pm
    RSVP by 23 Nov:

    Who can attend: Team leader, Manager, Coach, Parent, Athletes representing themselves.

    The Meet Director will provide updates and new information, which is not already mentioned in the Handbook, on:

    • Timetable amendments (if any)
    • Starting heights and height progressions of the bar for vertical jumps
    • Protests and Appeals
    • Answers to written questions


    Track Events

    Competition Format

    The 9th Kindred Track & Field Meeting is delivered in accordance with the current World Athletics Competition and Technical Rules, unless otherwise stated.

      50m, 80m,100m, 400m

      The 9th Kindred Track & Field Meeting is delivered in accordance with the current World Athletics Competition and Technical Rules, unless otherwise stated.

      The 50m, 80m, 100m (U13/U15/Masters) and 400m will be run as timed finals where the final ranking is decided by the timings.

      The 100m U15, U17 and Open will have heats to select athletes for the final. From the heats, the 8 fastest athletes by timing will qualify for the final.

      A crouch start and the use of starting blocks is optional for U7, U9, U11, U13 and Masters category.

      A crouch start and the use of starting blocks is compulsory for U15, U17 and Open Category.

        600m, 800m

        The 600m and 800m will be run as timed finals where the final ranking is decided by the timings. Spike shoes are not allowed for the 600m.

        4x100m Relay

        The 4 x 100M relay shall be run according to WA Rules 2022.

        The 4 x 100m relay Masters Category shall run in this format:

          4x100m Masters

          Total age of four participating athletes:

          140-159, 160-199, 200-239

          A team composed of 4 athletes in each category shall apply

          500m & 1 Mile

          The 500m and 1 Mile is scheduled for Friday 25th November 2022 evening. Spike shoes are not allowed for the 500m.

          For the U7, U9, U11, U13 – A bronze, silver and gold achievement certificate will be issued to participants who meet the timing below, based on their age.

          Field Events

          Competition Format

          The 9th Kindred Track & Field Meeting is delivered in accordance with the current World Athletics Competition and Technical Rules, unless otherwise stated.

          For all field events (except the high jump and the Long Jump Open Category), competitors will be given 3 trials and all valid trials will be measured. The order of trial is by start list unless otherwise decided by the Referee.

          In the Long Jump Open category, each competitor will be allowed 3 trials, and the 8 competitors with the best valid performances will be allowed 3 additional trials in the reverse order to the ranking of their performances recorded in the first 3 trials.

          If an athlete is entered in both a track event and a field event, or in more than one field event taking place simultaneously, the referee may allow the athlete to take his trial in an order different from that is decided upon prior to the start of the competition.

          If an athlete misses his/her turn in a field event, he/she will not be permitted to take the trial so missed.

            Long Jump

            In the Long Jump Open category, each competitor will be allowed 3 trials, and the 8 competitors with the best valid performances will be allowed 3 additional trials in the reverse order to the ranking of their performances recorded in the first 3 trials.

            Additional Information for the Long Jump U11 and U13

              High Jump and High Jump Scissor

              High Jump (Scissor)

              The jumper must contact the mattress with the lower half of the body first. Failure to do so will render the jump invalid.

              The starting height, practice height and progression will be re-confirmed during the Technical Meeting.


              Height Progression

              Practice Height

              Girls U11 (scissor)

              0.8m +5cm till 3 athletes remaining, thereafter +2cm


              Boys U11 (scissor)

              0.9m +5cm till 3 athletes remaining, thereafter +2cm



              High Jump

              The starting height, practice height and progression will be re-confirmed during the Technical Meeting.


              Height Progression*

              Practice Height*

              Girls U13

              0.9m +5cm till 3 athletes remaining, thereafter +2cm


              Girls U15

              1.15m +5cm till 3 athletes remaining, thereafter +2cm


              Girls U17

              1.20m +5cm till 3 athletes remaining, thereafter +2cm


              Women Open

              1.30m +5cm till 3 athletes remaining, thereafter +2cm


              Boys U13

              1.0m +5cm till 3 athletes remaining, thereafter +2cm


              Boys U15

              1.35m +5cm till 3 athletes remaining, thereafter +2cm


              Boys U17

              1.40m +5cm till 3 athletes remain, thereafter +2cm


              Men Open

              1.60m +5cm till 3 athletes remaining, thereafter +2cm



              Shot Put
              Category Weight
              Girls U11 2kg
              Girls U13 2kg
              Girls U15 3kg
              Women Open 4kg
              Girls U11 2kg
              Boys U13 2kg
              Boys U15 4kg
              Boys U17 5kg
              Men Open 7.26kg

              Competition Procedures

              Race BIB

              Each athlete will be provided with two bibs and supporting pins for individual events.

              The bibs will be distributed prior to the event. Refer to the BIB Collection Details from the Event Details section of this handbook.

              Athletes should note the following regulations:

              • Bibs must not be cut, folded or obscured in any way.
              • Each athlete must use the same bibs, regardless of the number of events in which he/she competes.
              • Each athlete must display the bibs on his/her chest and back with the exception of those athletes competing in the Jumping events, for which each athlete may wear the bib on either the chest or back.

                Spike shoes are optional.

                NO spike shoes allowed for the 500m U7/U9 and 600m U11/U13.

                The shoe ruling applies to all events across all age groups (unless specified otherwise in this handbook), the practical difficulties in checking shoes at many events make it probable that detailed checks will only be carried out where Technical Officials or event organizers have doubts about the compliance of the footwear of an athlete, or where such reasonable doubts are brought to their attention.

                Primary responsibility for conformity lies with the athlete. Spot checks may be carried out.

                The list of currently approved shoes (as at 9 Sep 2022) can be found at

                The Referee and Technical Officials on duty at the event will be responsible for applying the rule. This may be through observation, spot checking, checking through a Call Room or by protest from other competitors.

                At events where a Call Room is being operated then all checks will be conducted in the Call Room. At other events, the Referee and other Technical Officials will take the responsibility to conduct checks, largely determined by observation and protests lodged by other competitors.

                The first check will be to see if the model in question is included on the WA lists of compliant and non-compliant shoes. If that does not resolve the check then it will be necessary to examine the shoe and measure the thickness of the sole.

                The table below shows the thickness of sole currently allowed across the complete range of athletics events.

                 To ensure that the most up to date guidance and rulings are followed then check the WA website at:

                 Ensure self-checking of shoe guidelines, should there be protest after the competition and found valid infringement, disqualification will be given.


                Max thickness of the sole

                Further rule requirements

                Field events (except triple jump)


                Applies to all throwing events and vertical and horizontal jumping events, except triple jump. For all field events, the sole at the centre of the athlete’s forefoot must not be higher than the sole at the centre of the athlete’s heel

                Triple jump


                The sole at the centre of the athlete’s forefoot must not be higher than the sole at the centre of the athlete’s heel

                Track events (including Hurdles events) up to but not including 800m


                For relays, the rule applies to the distance of the leg being run by each athlete

                Track events from 800m and above (including steeplechase events)


                For relays, the rule applies to the distance of the leg run by each athlete. For race walking events the maximum thickness of the sole is the same as that for road events

                Road events (Running and Race Walking events)



                Cross country



                  Warm Up

                  Athletes are to do their general warm up outside the stadium.

                  Athletes will spend about 15 minutes at the call room and will be allowed to use the warm up lanes and starting blocks before being escorted to the startline.

                    Reporting Times to Call Room

                    Report to the Call Room according to the scheduled reporting times (follow the Call Room Reporting Time Column from the Competition Schedule Document). Arrive dressed and ready to compete – Number bibs must be correctly displayed. Team leaders/managers are not allowed to enter the Call Room.

                    Reporting Times to Call Room Proceed to Start Line or Field
                    Track Athletes 30 mins before the start of the event 5 mins before the start of the event
                    Field Athletes 40 mins before the start of the event 25 mins before the start of the event

                    The procedures in the Call Room will be as follows:

                    • Confirmation of the identification of athletes by means of their bib number.
                    • Athletes competing in track events will receive two adhesive hip numbers in the Call Room before entering the FOP. The hip numbers must be secured to both sides of the athlete’s shorts.
                    • Track event athletes will be required to place their tracksuits, warm-up shoes and other personal belongings into baskets. The basket will be organised by heat/group. Athletes will only be permitted to take a backpack or similar sized bag with them into the Call Room.
                    • Athletes will be directed to allocated bays.
                    • Athletes will spend about 15 minutes at the call room and will be allowed to use the Warm Up lanes.
                    • Any athletes who are not present in call room, or who withdraw after going through call room, will be entered as Did Not Start (DNS) in the call room.
                    • Team Leaders must inform all their athletes about the relevant reporting times and ensure that all their athletes comply with the above before entering the Call Room. After completion of these procedures, athletes must follow the instructions given by the officials at the Call Room before being taken onto the Field of Play.
                      Entering the field of play

                      Athletes in track events should leave the call room ready to run.

                      Field event athletes will be guided by an athlete steward to their event arena.

                        Leaving the field of play during competition

                        During an event, no athlete may leave the competition area without permission from the chief judge. In cases where an athlete must leave the field of play, the athlete will be guided by an official or a steward.

                          Exit Procedures from the field of play

                          At the conclusion of each event, all athletes must leave the Field of Play. High Jump competitors may leave the field of play as soon as they are excluded from further participation in the competition except for medallists, who shall leave together.

                            Protests & Appeals

                            Athletes who wish to protest competition results must do so within 30 minutes of the official result announcement and publication. Any protest shall be made orally to the Referee by an athlete or team leader. Such person or team may protest only if they are competing in the same round of the event to which the protest (or subsequent appeal) relates.

                            If an athlete or team leader is dissatisfied with the referee’s decision, they have the right to appeal. The appeal form is available at the Information Centre and requires a fee of USD 100.

                              Victory ceremony

                              Victory ceremony will be conducted approximately 35mins after the end of the last final of that category.

                                Prizes & Medals

                                Medals will be awarded in each event of the competition as follows:

                                Position Medal Remarks
                                1st Gold
                                2nd Silver
                                3rd Bronze
                                4th Bronze For U7, U9, U11 and U13 only

                                500m and 1 Mile : A bronze, silver and gold achievement certificate will be issued to participants in the U7, U10, U12 and U14 category.


                                  Coaches & Spectators Zone

                                  Only Officials on duty and competitors competing will be allowed on the competition arena. Spectators & Coaches are to remain within their allocated spaces.  All athletes must leave the competition arena upon completion of their events.

                                    Event Sanctioned By

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                                    Register Now!

                                    Register for the 9th Kindred Spirit Series Track & Field 2022

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