Only Student Athletes in Polytechnic and ITE are eligible to enter this category.
This category is not open to participants residing outside of Singapore.

Top 5 (male & female) will move to the Finals.

The Challenge


Burpee Push-Up with Jump Kick

Jump burpee push-up is a calisthenics and plyometrics exercise that primarily targets the chest and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, calves, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, lower back, quads and triceps.

Burpee push-up with a jump kick is a exercise for those with a intermediate level of physical fitness and exercise experience.

Video Demo

Steps To Follow

  1. Register to participate in the Kindred Spirit Series Virtual Challenge 2020.
  2. In the starting position, the athlete stands upright facing the North direction.
  3. Athlete will then carry out a burpee with a push-up.
  4. When the athlete jumps up from the push-up position, there must be a jump kick performed with one leg pushed upwards towards the chest, and the other leg with the heel in a butt kick position.
  5. After the athlete lands, he/she will do a rotating jump clockwise towards the right (facing the East direction).
  6. Athlete to perform the same burpee push-up, jump kick sequence, and land back down.
  7. After the athlete lands, he/she will do rotating jump clockwise towards the right (facing the South direction).
  8. Athlete to perform the same burpee push-up, jump kick sequence, and land back down.
  9. After the athlete lands, he/she will do rotating jump clockwise towards the right (facing the West direction).
  10. The athlete then performs the same burpee push-up, jump kick sequence, and lands back down, then carries out a rotating jump clockwise back to the North position. This constitutes one complete repetition.
  11. Athlete is to carry out as many repetitions as possible within a 60 second period.
  12. Upload the video of the attempt to Instagram, add the Hashtag #KssVc2020 #kindredspirits #clubzoom #clubzoomSG and submit your entry in the Video Link Submission Form below.

Judging Criteria

  1. Proper push up form
  2. Proper jump kick
  3. Carry out as many repetitions as possible within a 60-second period

Video Link Submission Form

After you have uploaded your video to Instagram social media platform, complete this Video Link Form Submission.



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