Uniformed Group
Only employee in Singapore Uniformed Services are eligible to enter in this category.
Top 5 (male & female) will move on to the Finals.

The Challenge
Burpee Push-Up with Jump Kick
Jump burpee push-up is a calisthenics and plyometrics exercise that primarily targets the chest and to a lesser degree also targets the abs, calves, glutes, hamstrings, hip flexors, lower back, quads and triceps.
Burpee push-up with a jump kick is a exercise for those with a intermediate level of physical fitness and exercise experience.
Video Demo
Steps To Follow
- Register to participate in the Kindred Spirit Series Virtual Challenge 2020
- In the starting position, the athlete stands upright facing the North direction.
- Athlete will then carry out a burpee with a push-up.
- When the athlete jumps up from the push-up position, there must be a jump kick performed with one leg pushed upwards towards the chest, and the other leg with the heel in a butt kick position.
- After the athlete lands, he/she will do a rotating jump clockwise towards the right (facing the East direction).
- Athlete to perform the same burpee push-up, jump kick sequence, and land back down.
- After the athlete lands, he/she will do rotating jump clockwise towards the right (facing the South direction).
- Athlete to perform the same burpee push-up, jump kick sequence, and land back down.
- After the athlete lands, he/she will do rotating jump clockwise towards the right (facing the West direction).
- The athlete then performs the same burpee push-up, jump kick sequence, and lands back down, then carries out a rotating jump clockwise back to the North position. This constitutes one complete repetition.
- Athlete is to carry out as many repetitions as possible within a 60 second period.
- Upload the video of the attempt to Instagram, add the Hashtag #KssVc2020 #kindredspirits #clubzoom #clubzoomSG and submit your entry in the Video Link Submission Form below.
Judging Criteria
- Proper push up form
- Proper jump kick
- Carry out as many repetitions as possible within a 60-second period
Video Link Submission Form
After you have uploaded your video to Instagram social media platform, complete this Video Link Form Submission.