Founding President, Coach Tan interview segment on CNA938

8th Edition, 2021/2 – “Everyone’s a Champ!”
The 8th Edition Kindred Spirit Series comprises 4 mini-meets of traditional track & field events held from December 2021 to March 2022.
Series (1) was held on 11-12 Dec 2021.
Series (2) was held on 15 Jan 2022.
With the emergence of the Omicron variant and impending spike in Omicron cases, the management has decided not to proceed with Series (3) and (4). We are grateful for the opportunity to hold these two meets of the 8th Kindred Spirit Series despite this challenging environment. Club ZOOM would like to thank all athletes and coaches, teachers, clubs, sponsors, and partners who have made them possible.
Club ZOOM will resume our competitions once the coast is clear again.

8th Kindred Spirit
“Everyone’s a Champ!”
The 8th Edition Kindred Spirit Series comprises 4 mini-meets of traditional track & field events from December 2021 to March 2022.
Series (1) was held on 11-12 Dec 2021. Go to event page summary.
Series (2) was held on 15 Jan 2022. Go to event page summary.
With the emergence of the Omicron variant and impending spike in Omicron cases, the management has decided not to proceed with Series (3) and (4). We are grateful for the opportunity to hold these two meets of the 8th Kindred Spirit Series despite this challenging environment. Club ZOOM would like to thank all athletes and coaches, teachers, clubs, sponsors, and partners who have made them possible.
Club ZOOM will resume our competitions once the coast is clear again.

Founding President, Coach Tan interview segment on CNA938

Our Charitable Beneficiary
Club ZOOM is pleased to announce that the beneficiary of the 8th Kindred Spirit Series Track & Field is SUN-DAC.
As a grassroots track & field club serving the community, Club ZOOM recognizes the importance of contributing to the building of inclusive communities in Singapore. We are constantly cognizant that sport holds the potential for mitigating social inequality and we try to channel the transformative power of sport to improving lives wherever possible, in training and competition. Club ZOOM’s signature Kindred Spirit Series of meets has grown in popularity over the years and it offers us an opportunity to direct sponsorships to charitable causes. For the 8th edition of the Kindred Spirit Series, Club ZOOM gratefully acknowledges Huangs Jewelry and Fervent Chambers for their generous donations to our charitable beneficiary SUN-DAC. In the spirit of inclusiveness, one of our Club’s cherished values, this award represents Club ZOOM’s modest efforts in facilitating the support of the less privileged members of our community. Continue Reading…
Our Partners
Register Now!
Register for the 8th Kindred Spirit Series Track & Field (15 Jan 2022)